Pear Salad with Dried Cherry Vinaigrette and Macadamia Nut Medallions


Pear Salad with Dried Cherry Vinaigrette and Macadamia Nut Medallions Recipe

  • Prep: 45 mins
  • Dehydrate: 1 hrs


Macadamia Nut Medallions:

1 cup Macadamia Nuts, soaked 6 hours (rinsed and drained)

1/2 Lemon, juiced

2 tsp Dried Rosemary

1 pinch Salt and Pepper to taste


1/2 cup Dried Cherries

1/4 cup Olive Oil

1 tbsp Agave Nectar

1 whole Lemon, juiced

2 tbsp finely diced Shallots

1 pinch Salt and Pepper to taste


3 cups mixed Greens

1 whole Pear, chopped (approximately 1 1/2 cups)

1/2 cup chopped Pecans


Macadamia Nut Medallions

1Place all ingredients in the food processor

2Pulse until light, fluffy texture is achieved. It should look like ricotta cheese.

3Shape in medallions, 11/2 inch across. Set aside.


1Place dried cherries, olive oil and lemon juice and agave in blender

2Blend until cherries are finely chopped

3Stir in shallots, pinch salt and peppe


1Toss greens and pear together

2Toss in enough vinaigrette to coat

3Top with macadamia nut medallions and pecans
