- Excalibur Dehydrator Recipes

Colorful Seed Crackers



Recipe courtesy of Brunchpants. You can adapt this recipe to create delicious &  colorful Pink, Yellow or Green Crackers.

  • PINK CRACKERS - follow the recipe below as is
  • YELLOW CRACKERS - remove the beet juice pulp and beet juice and replace with 3 Tbsp. Tumeric Juice and 1 cup of Carrot Pulp
  • GREEN CRACKERS - remove the beet juice pulp and beet juice and replace with 1 Tbsp. chlorella powder and 1 cup of spinach/leafy green pulp
  • Prep: 25 mins
  • Dehydrate: 16 hrs


4 cups purified water

1 1/2 cups golden flax seed presoaked

1 cup pumpkin seeds

1 cup sunflower seeds

1/4 cup chia seeds

1 1/2 cups rolled oats

1 cup beet juice pulp

3 medium tomatoes, coarsely chopped

1 cup purple cabbage

1 cup red pepper, coarsely chopped

4 small carrots, coarsely chopped

1 yellow pepper, coarsely chopped

4 celery ribs, coarsely chopped

1/2 cup minced parsley or cilantro

1/4 white onion, coarsely chopped

2 Cloves of garlic, minced

1/4 cup Lemon Juice

2 tbsp basil

2 tsp oregano

1 tsp thyme

1 tsp poultry seasoning

2 tsp sea salt or pink salt

2 tbsp beet juice


1Process all of the chopped vegetables and tomatoes in a food processor until finely chopped but not pureed.

2Add remaining ingredients to vegetable mixture and stir until well combined 

3Spread mixture into a thin layer (about 1/4" thick) on Paraflexx lined Excalibur Dehydrator trays.

4Dehydrate on 120°F for 12 - 13 hours.

5Flip the cracker sheets and dehydrate for another 4 hours
