- Excalibur Dehydrator Recipes

Snack Mix Recipe


  • Prep: 1 hrs
  • Dehydrate: 2 hrs


1 cup Walnuts

1 cup Dried Fruit (such as chopped pineapple, blueberries, cranberries)

2 tbsp Hemp Seeds

1/2 tsp Cardamom (optional)

1 cup Almonds

1/2 cup Goji Berries

1/2 cup raw Mulberries

1/2 cup Deglet Dates, pitted and sliced

1/2 tsp Cinnamon (optional)

1 pinch Cayenne Pepper (optional)


1Dehydrate your preferred fruit in an Excalibur Dehydrator

2Soak walnuts and almonds for one hour. Drain and rinse well

3Chop into chunks or small pieces

4Spread chopped nuts onto Excalibur Dehydrator trays

5Dehydrate at 145 degree F for two hours or until dry and crunchy

6Place the nuts and remaining ingredients into a plastic bag

7Shake vigorously for one minute

8Store in an airtight glass jar or container at room temperature or in the refrigerator


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