1Place the elder flowers and the horehound in a bowl and pour the boiling water over
2Stir to make sure each bud or leaf is moistened, then cover and set aside for about 8 hours
3After steeping, measure out ½ cup of liquid, pressing on the herbs. Add water if necessary to make a full half-cup.
4Compost the herbs. Place the liquid in a saucepan along with the honey.
5Heat gently just until the honey is melted and you can whisk the honey easily into the herbal liquid
6In a large bowl, mound the slippery elm bark into the middle, then create a well in the center
7Pour the honey-herb mixture in it and stir the mixture until a dough is formed. Then mix with your hands until the dough is smooth, adding more slippery elm if needed.
8The mixture may be crumbly, but should be able to remain in a ball when pressed together. When the ball is smooth, dust your work surface with slippery elm powder, then roll the dough about 1/2 inch thick.
9Then, using a tiny round cutter (Or a small bottle cap off a bottle of vanilla extract or similar. Just remember this will be the size you will be putting in your mouth, so keep them as small as possible.)
10Place them on a Paraflexx® lined Excalibur® Dehydrator tray. Dry lozenges at 150 degrees F for 4-6 hours until completely dry. Once dried, store in an airtight container.